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(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)


A doctor talking on the phone and taking notes.

There are times when we, at New York Facial Paralysis, need to utilize audiograms during our diagnostic testing. An audiogram is a test used to determine hearing loss and balance. To read more about hearing loss, you can find it here. An audiogram is also used as one of the tools to help determine the… Continue reading

Differences Between Tourette Syndrome And Hemifacial Spasms

smiling handsome man

Both Tourette syndrome and hemifacial spasms are movement disorders. They both cause involuntary movements in your face. However, there are many differences between the two disorders. Hemifacial spasm: Neuromuscular disorder causes the involuntary muscle movement in one side of the face. It can occur in both men and women, however it is most common in… Continue reading

Losing Your Smile

Upset young woman sitting on a sofa with her forehead lent on her hand.le.

The loss of your smile is a heavy one. At New York Facial Paralysis, we understand the magnitude that loss plays on many aspects of your life. We know the loss of your smile causes both physical and emotional hardship. There are many reasons you may have lost your ability to smile. Bell’s Palsy, stroke… Continue reading

Understanding The Nervous System

A scared woman biting her nails looking through the window.

At New York Facial Paralysis, diagnosing your facial paralysis is our top priority. We have extensive diagnostic testing to help us get to the bottom of what is causing your facial paralysis. For the most part, your facial paralysis is linked to your nervous system. Understanding how your nervous system works is important for us,… Continue reading

Reasons To Visit New York City

Smiling young woman leaning her chin on her hand.

Spring is a beautiful time to travel. Have you considered making a trip to New York City? New York City is a beautiful place to visit in the spring. Here are the top three reasons to visit New York City in the spring. Central Park– Central Park in the spring is a basketful of beauty… Continue reading

The Relationship Between Lyme Disease And Facial Paralysis

Parents with their little daughter enjoying their time outdoors.

Lyme Disease is a little known disease that has just recently been talked about due to the fact that public figures that have it are speaking out. Recently, Richard Gere, Ben Stiller, Ashley Olsen, Alec Baldwin, George W. Bush, and Amy Tan all shared that they have been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Lyme disease is… Continue reading

Three Reasons To See A Specialist For Your Facial Nerve Paralysis

Woman patient at a doctor's appointment.

You most likely have your regular family physician, your dentist, and maybe your chiropractor established in your life. You know them and they know you. No one ever plans on encountering facial paralysis in their life, so when you experience this, it’s important to do your research and find the right physician to care for… Continue reading

Your Facial Twitching May Be Related To Your Facial Nerve

A concerned woman touching her right cheek.

Facial twitching is something many struggle with. Facial twitching is often connected to the facial nerve and a symptom of facial paralysis. It is the result of an injury or disorder involving the facial nerve, in most cases. It must be properly diagnosed by discussing your history and also through diagnostic testing. Underlying causes of… Continue reading

Facts about Facial Droop

A doctor examining woman's face.

When you experience facial drooping it is a result of specific conditions. It is not related to a sagging of facial skin, which may occur as a result of loss of elasticity of the skin. Your face sagging may be age-related, weight-related, due to debilitating illness, or from drug use. Facial droop is sagging of… Continue reading

Thankful in November

Smiling young woman leaning her chin on her hand.

This time of year is marked by much celebration. On November 8th a new president is elected. November 24th is Thanksgiving Day. November 11th we honor our Veterans. November 17th is National UnFriend Day (NUD). In case you don’t know what NUD is, it is an unofficial holiday designed to promote unfriending other Facebook users… Continue reading



New York Facial Paralysis

At Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital

Grand Park Building, 110 East 40 Street, Suite 501
New York, NY 10016

(212) 434-4050 (212) 371-3223 (FACE)

Opening Times: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

If you are interested in discussing your case with the NYFP specialists: